How  I  arrived  at  RWM
After graduating from Northern Kentucky University with a Finance Degree, I spent a year in London in the Investment Banking world. I quickly realized how much I enjoyed working in the investing world, but also realized that it wasn't going to be in investment banking. I started my financial planning in the insurance world where I also learned that my heart was in holistic fee only financial planning, not commissioned based selling. I became a Certified Financial Planner as well as a Certified Financial Therapist. I made the move to the independent advisory space and never looked back. After following Ben, Michael and Josh for awhile and understanding the culture of the team and the mission of the firm, I knew it was an absolute fit.
Favorite  part  of  the  job
Getting to know my clients on a deep level never gets old. It's that level of understanding and trust that drives the best part of my job, which is getting to witness real peace of mind for clients so they can truly enjoy life.
When  I’m  Not  Working
My family is number one priority. We are always on the move. My three kids keep my wife and I busy in a great way. I also do my best to stay active with obstacle course racing and the occasional round of golf. We are active in the community and have a heart for animal rescue.
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