How I arrived at RWM
“I was following Josh Brown’s work, both on Twitter and the blog, and what he was talking about really resonated with me. My career began with a sales position at a life insurance company and the things that Josh was writing about, in terms of career incentives and being a fiduciary, really resonated with me. I was lucky enough to meet him at a train station in the town we both grew up in, and the rest as they say, is history.”
Favorite part of the job
“I have a deep respect for how hard investing for the long-term is, so knowing that we’re helping people on their journey gives me tremendous satisfaction. I love the fact that we’re helping our clients achieve their goals, which is why people invest in the first place.”
When I’m Not Working
“Like most people, nothing gives me more pleasure than spending time with my family. When they go to sleep, I love to read and write. I’m very excited for my first book to come out. Big Mistakes: The Best Investors and Their Worst Investments inverts the traditional financial book. Rather than look at how Warren Buffett and other super investors built their fortune, I study their biggest mistakes and how they were able to overcome them.”